
We are pleased to inform you that papers from the 14 th International Bilkent University School of English Language ELT Conference that have undergone successful review have been published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing, please see the publication details below:

Aksit, Mengu and R. Turner, editors. Bridging Teaching, Learning and Assessment in the Language Classroom. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018

Web link: learning-and- assessment-in-the-english- language-classroom

There will again be opportunity for the presenters of the 15 th International Bilkent University School of English Language ELT Conference to publish their papers in an edited book by Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Presenters who would like to publish their papers need to submit their paper to for review by Friday, 1 June 2018.

Guidelines are as follows:

  1. Length: 1,500-2,000 words
  2. Format: Please download the template for format related information (i.e. font, font size, line spacing and footnotes).
  3. Referencing style: MLA 8th edition
  4. Please include your full name, affiliation, country and e-mail address after the title of your paper.