Call for Papers

We welcome papers on …

Academic Practice

EAP students

Program Design and Implementation

Please fill in and submit the following form if you wish to present a paper.

The deadline for proposals is Monday, 30 April 2018. You will be informed of the committee’s decision by Monday, 7 April 2018.

The conference committee will evaluate proposals based on the following criteria:

Presentation Information

Session Type

A Research-Based Presentation (40 min + 10 min questions) is a summary of presenters' research in relation to theory and/or practice with time allotted for questions or a discussion paper referring to relevant literature or practice in the area.

A Workshop (50 min) demonstrates a technique, activity or task through a hands-on experience.

A Poster Presentation (25 min x 2) is a visual explanation of your research and/or practices with an opportunity for informal discussion between presenters and attendees during four 25 minute sessions throughout the conference. The poster is mounted on a 4-foot-by-8-foot display board that includes the session title, the name and institutional affiliation of the presenter(s). No AV equipment or electrical access will be available.

Contact Information